Rhymes trivia quiz
Rhymes trivia quiz
nursery rhyme lyrics & origins

rhymes trivia quiz


Nursery Rhymes Lyrics and Origins

I had a Little Hobby Horse

Nursery Rhyme Lyrics, Origins and History


The term 'Hobby Horse' dates back to the era of King Henry VIII of England. Henry and his court enjoyed all forms of gambling and King Henry introduced a stable of horses bred specifically for racing and these were referred to as his 'Hobby Horses' - from the Middle English word hobi or hobyn meaning a small horse. The term 'hobby' them became synonymous with any 'Activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure'. The word 'hobbyhorse' was then given to the name of a stick toy with the head or figure of a horse, on which boys make believe to ride. Help us to maintain our history and heritage through the words and lyrics of old Nursery Rhymes like 'I had a little hobby horse'

King Henry VIII

Picture of King Henry VIII


I had a Little Hobby Horse
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history

I had a little hobby horse,
and it was dapple grey;
its head was made of pea-straw,
its tail was made of hay.
I sold it to an old woman
for a copper groat
and I'll not sing my song again
without a new coat.

I had a Little Hobby Horse
Nursery Rhyme lyrics, origins and history


Note: A Rhymes lyrics and the perceived origins of some Nursery Rhymes vary according to location


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Written By Linda Alchin